“To help others knowing and accepting the various aspects of ourselves is sometimes difficult. There are often areas we want to ignore or reject. Truly accepting all parts of ourselves as they are provides a climate in which transformation can take place.” 

Rucla Pty Ltd

Kinesiology, Counselling & Neurofeedback Services

Rucla Pty Ltd is a consulting service that provides professional support through an integrative mixture of Kinesiology, Counselling and Neurofeedback therapy predominantly to adults. Located in Brighton, Melbourne, Rucla Pty Ltd offers a more targeted approach that is tailored to your needs. Rucla values whole person centered care and believes that effective therapy occurs in a safe and trusting relationship wherein self understanding and healing can expand.

Meet Clarissa Martinez

Welcome to the intersection of clinical and alternative therapy. Hello my name is Clarissa Martinez and I am a Counsellor, Kinesiologist and Neurofeedback Therapist. You may have arrived here in search of support and clarity or to understand some issues that may have had a profound impact within your life. If you are looking for support and guidance through a challenging situation or you are just ready to move into a new direction in your life, I look forward to working with you to achieve your goals.  

                 My professional life as a counsellor began over 20 years ago. Through working as a clinical counsellor in a Neurofeedback EEG brain training clinic on children, adolescents and adults with a range of conditions, inclusive of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Complex Trauma (developmental), Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Learning Disabilities, Intellectual Disabilities, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, I realised that talking wasn’t enough to heal the issue. This is when I began to explore other therapies such as Sensorimotor Body Trauma Psychotherapy and Hakomi Mindful Somatic Psychotherapy. I then came across Kinesiology an alternative healing modality, which is a central component to my practice.  It works primarily in clearing blocked energy and sabotages via accessing the subconscious mind which addresses the ‘root’ core issues outside of our awareness.  It is this unique blend which makes Kinesiology a holistic integrative approach through using a hybrid of modalities such as Chiropractic (Western), Chinese Medicine (Eastern), Nutrition, Counselling, Alternative medicine and much more.

             Reflecting on my own journey kinesiology has been more of a ‘natural natural’ approach for me and has allowed me to assist helping others on a deeper level. Over the years, I have continually noticed that there is no ‘cookie cutter’ ‘one size fits all’ approach with healing and that everyone has different motivations for seeking extra help.  For example, some individuals may be going through a major life transition (divorce or unemployment) whilst others may need assistance in managing other issues such as depression, spiritual blocks, relationship conflicts, trauma, sensitivities to foods or learning issues. Therapy can provide you the encouragement and tools to help you navigate through these difficulties so that you are able to make long-term sustainable changes within your life.  I have always believed that the human body is a powerful tool and is the first point of contact or as I call it the ‘gateway’ to understanding who we are.  The antidote is within everyone and with some assistance in a safe environment we can reconnect with our innate ability to self-heal.

I welcome you to make contact and ask questions.  To learn more about what I do please feel free to visit the Kinesiology and Neurofeedback links below.  In my practice, I predominantly work one on one with adults at my practice located in Brighton.  If you feel I am the right fit for you I look forward to working with you and facilitating change, I wish you all the best in your healing journey.


Registered Counsellor (Level 4 ACA membership)
Kinesiologist (PKP)
Neurofeedback Therapist

Master in Counselling   Graduate Certificate in Counselling Bachelor of Science (Behavioural Neuroscience and Psychology) Diploma in Kinesiology Quantum Neurology Advanced Kinesiology Course Applied Glands & Hormones Advanced Kinesiology Course Board Certified Neurofeedback Advanced EEG Analysis Training in Neurofeedback Advanced Alpha - Theta EEG Training in Neurofeedback EEG Neurofeedback Training Course Intermediate Neurofeedback Training Course
EEG Neurofeedback Supervision Training Course ANSA Comprehensive Assessment for Neurofeedback Training Workshop ANSA Master Class in Neurofeedback for Affective Disorders Training Workshop ANSA EEG and Neurofeedback Building Pragmatic Models for Assessment and Improvement of Affect Regulation Training Workshop TOVA for Clinical Practice Training Course
Sensorimotor Body Trauma Psychotherapy Training Course - Affect Dysregulation, Survival Defenses, Traumatic Memory, Emotional Processing, Meaning Making and Attachment Repair Hakomi Experiential Somatic Psychotherapy - Mindfulness & Healing in Psychodynamic Psychotherapy Workshops

As a member of the Australian Counselling Association (ACA), I adhere to:
The ACA Code of Ethics and Practice


Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday: 12 p.m. - 6 p.m

Saturday: 8:30 a.m - 3 p.m.

Learn more click on the links below

If you can observe your own experience with a minimum of interference, and if you don’t try to control what you experience, if you simply allow things to happen and you observe them, then you will be able to discover things about yourself that you did not know before.  You can discover little pieces of the inner structures of your mind, the very things that make you who you are.”

Ron Kurtz


Bessel Van Der Kolk on Neurofeedback Training

“Traditionally we’ve tried to heal PTSD through talking and making meaning of the event, but treatment methods that help calm arousal systems in the deeper regions of the brain have been helpful in calming PTSD more than those that try to do so through talking and reasoning.”

Heal and strengthen your brain with Neurofeedback