What is Kinesiology and how does it work?

 Kinesiology is a holistic natural therapy that uses ‘gentle muscle testing’ to identify any energy imbalances that may be causing stress within your body.  What is muscle testing? Muscle testing identifies any causative triggers, or energy blockages in the body by accessing your subconscious mind.  What is the subconscious mind? Our subconscious mind relates to information that is outside of our awareness, in other words ‘what we are not aware of.’  If we can link the information in our subconscious mind to these energy blockages we can identify health imbalances within our bodies, this may be for example on a structural, chemical, nutritional, spiritual or emotional level.  Once we locate where the stress is held in the body we can connect how it may be contributing to current, past or potential future issues that we thought were not affecting us.  Through accessing this information we are able to identify the core or source of the problem and apply the corrective technique.  Once the root of the issue is identified the body is able to recalibrate and understand what needs to be done in order to self heal, reduce stress and improve health and well-being.  It is this unique blend which makes Kinesiology a holistic integrative approach by using a Hybrid of modalities such as Chiropractic (Western), Chinese Medicine (Eastern), Ayurvedic Medicine, Nutrition, Counselling and much more.

  Kinesiology looks beyond the symptoms and is a safe, natural and simple method.   Muscle testing isn’t a contest about strength rather it is about determining if there is a disruption of energy flow within the body.  A light amount of pressure is placed against a particular limb with a particular intent in mind and the muscle will indicate if there is an energy imbalance.  

 Kinesiology is based on an energy model, if there is an energy imbalance this is indicative that all is not well within the body.  For example the muscle testing may indicate that your lower back pain may also be the cause of an emotional stressor.  That is the appeal of Kinesiology it works on the belief that the body ‘knows’ and will communicate the answer via muscle testing.  The information that eventuates in a kinesiology session is aimed at restoring the flow of natural energies in helping you achieve your maximum potential.